Key Bearer
Life is what happens when you open the door. You don't always know what's on the other side and the personal growth comes by way of the discovery. Sometimes the door seems huge and scary and intimidating and you're afraid to open it. It helps to have someone there to give you the key with a motto imprinted on it that says, "It's OK, seeing what's on the other side will change you for the better." Dr. Loren Fauchier is the holder of those keys at PDS. His job, as Director of Global Education, is to expose our students to the world beyond Charlotte's door. He is a pioneer, an innovator, and incredibly dedicated to his work.
I've had the opportunity to spend a lot of time with him recently and I am better for it. I see the ambition he has for our children. I hear the passion he brings to his cause. I feel the energy he injects into his programs (so many wonderful programs!). I smell the coffee that fuels it all. I know that we are lucky to have him.
This isn't just a job for him, it's a personal goal. His goal is to have our children graduate PD with a global mindset, a marketable skill set, and unique experiences that will take them beyond their own wildest expectations. His goal is to prepare our kids to take on the world and win.
Next time you see him on campus, thank him for being the bearer of the keys to the door of our children's futures.