Rising to the Occasion
Today marked the end of the BIO PRESENTATIONS for fourth grade. Each class performed in the newly renovated King Room using the dual screen technology.
This is the fourth year of the newly created project. Each year I am thoroughly impressed with what these nine and ten year olds are able to accomplish. What this project proves is that we can't put limitations on kids, and we must seek more challenging opportunities for them.
During the BIO Project, each fourth grader:
* chooses a famous person who they connect with or are simply interested in learning more about
* reads multiple sources and uses stickies to mark important facts
* takes notes by putting one fact on note cards, most kids have about thirty note cards
* writes a speech where they are becoming this person, many edits are needed to make it more conversational so they can connect with the audience
* memorizes the speech & practices relentlessly
* finally performs the speech in costume in front of family and peers
Watching the final performances amazes me each year. The time and work that each fourth grader has put into this project proves they can tackle huge tasks.
We must keep challenging these kids!