PD's Personal Best Phenomenon
Giving one’s personal best permeates throughout our campus each and every day. Those of us connected to Providence Day (whether it be an employee, student, or parent) take pride in giving our personal best. I have experienced this phenomenon time and time again.
Today I captured that personal best phenomenon as I watched a groundskeeper working in a bed of pansies creating a work of art for us to walk by each day. I watched someone from maintenance working behind the scenes to make sure one of the street lights was working properly. I paused on the corner of the crosswalk to receive the go ahead from one of our safety officers directing traffic to ensure everyone’s safety. As I navigated my way to my next stop, I saw David Johnson making his rounds, keeping an eye out for everyone’s safety and well being. I walked by the front desk and received a smile and a hello that made me feel as if I am the only one who matters. I slid my tray through the lunch line where I am served by a chef whose body language expresses pride in the food he prepared. My next stop was paying for my meal. As usual, I was warmly greeted by Annette’s welcoming smile and words of wisdom. Throughout the day, I interacted with colleagues via email, phone, and face to face meetings who consistently inspired me by bringing their dedication and best practices to the task at hand. I was asked to capture inspiration from today but, “Guess what?” Providence Day is the real deal and inspiration thrives in this community each and every day.