Where are we going today?
I am inspired by these awesome machines as they rest, knowing that they will wake up at anytime for any job. Any Providence Day Student or Faculty member has spent a significant amount of time on one of these buses but what we all may not fully realize is how important these buses are to what we accomplish here at PD. Just last week the buses did the following: 4 bus routes per day(AM and PM), Chorus to Winston Salem, Swim teams to pools for practice, Bruns Academy for service work, Imaginon, Garinger HS for service work, World Quest Competition at Westin, Boyce Park for TKers, Nursing Home for service work, Basketball Teams to Greensboro and Morganton, Math Team to Duke Univ., Wrestling to Piedmont HS, and a few trips to the gas station for refueling. That was just one week! The work these buses do each day is pretty impressive....pretty inspiring!