Global Summit
This week PDS hosted the Global Summit with students from the Halifield Schools in Nigeria and the Tietgen School in Denmark. Our goal was to explore Student Leadership and design ways for these students to increase the role of students at their respective schools.
Today, the students presented the ideas. It was inspiring to see how they had internalized the stories that each of them had shared. The Nigerian students pushed all of the schools to explore the importance of the relationships between teacher and student. Asking all of us to think deeply about the role students should and can play in helping in the hiring process. The Danish students were fascinated with the Students of Service clubs at PDS and designed a strategy to build their own version back home. This version also included a school store based on the PDS School Store where profits and proceeds would support the service organizations. Our PDS students were inspired by Tietgen School's Talent Program where students had more choice and involvement in their curricular offerings.
These students show that despite our differences we share common goals and that we can work together beautifully if we take the time to listen to each other.