"The Land of the Free, Because of the Brave!"
Veteran’s Day is a day to honor the brave who have fought and continue to fight for our great nation’s freedom. I am proud that our community uses this day as a way to celebrate and honor our Veterans. This day is special and it is inspiring that our school takes the time to publicly honor and say "Thank You," those in our PDS community who have served.
Two middle school students, Sam Radke and Pearce Phillips, were challenged in their computer apps class to create a charitable opportunity to give back. They wanted to create an experience for students not only to donate, but also have fun. They partnered with the Vietnam Veterans of America to collect clothes, tools, small appliances, toys, books, shoes and other household items for veterans in need. At lunch, they invited students to walk the track and show their pride in their country and for their veterans. I think it is remarkable and inspiring that our students care about the greater good and recognize that they can create opportunities to give back all on their own! I am proud to be a Charger and am inspired to be surrounded by such an incredible community!